Todor Ivanov
Since January 2014, Ivanov has served as the Secretary-General of Euro Coop – the European association of consumer cooperatives uniting and representing 19 national organisations of consumer co-ops, predominantly active in food retail.
Since January 2014, Ivanov has served as the Secretary-General of Euro Coop – the European association of consumer cooperatives uniting and representing 19 national organisations of consumer co-ops, predominantly active in food retail.
Mila Shamku is the Advocacy Coordinator at CICOPA and CECOP respectively, the International and the European organisations for worker cooperatives, social cooperatives and cooperatives of independent workers. Previously, she worked in the youth wing of the Party of European Socialists and in the European Committee of the Regions.
Juhee Lee serves as the Manager of International Cooperation and Activities of iCOOP, the federation of consumer co-ops in Korea. She leads an international team and works with cooperatives, social solidarity economy, and fair-trade organizations.